Mar 14, 2008

Wedding To-do's: 9 to 12 months before Wedding

This is an exciting time. There is so much possibility and happiness. The intitial Engagement phase is clearing away and you are starting the Full scale Wedding Planning. So here are your to-do's for this time period.


Prepare a Three-ring binder with all contracts, receipts, the wedding schedule and vendor contact information, Personal Timetable and Wedding Budget. The more accurately you maintain this, the easier it will be to find information you may need later. Use the Budget Worksheet to plan dates, times and money related activities. Remember to use a pencil for this task as there will be many changes that occur as you finalize your plans.

Begin putting together your guest lists. The bride, groom, and both families should submit their lists and begin to consolidate them.

Interview and hire service providers, including your caterer, photographer / videographer, florist, entertainment, etc.

Determine your color scheme, theme, incorporation of ethnic or family traditions, and other ways to personalize your wedding celebration or even create a tradition all your own.

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