Mar 1, 2008

Wedding Invitation Wording

The proper wedding invitation wording is critical and we tell you everything there is to know. Whether it be a Church wedding, home wedding, second marriage or whatever, the proper etiquette and wedding invitation wording are essential. Here follows sample Wedding Invitations Wording for your use in Invitations. Keep in Mind there are no rules, feel free to use the wording you like best.

Wording by category

Wedding hosted by
Bride and Groom

Elizabeth Marie Stenson
and John Joseph Smith

request the honour of your presence

at their marriage
on Saturday, the sixth of June

two thousand nine*

at five o'clock in the evening

St. Patrick's Church
Ithaca, New York

Bride, Groom and both families

Elizabeth Marie Stenson
and John Joseph Smith
together with their parents
invite you to join them
in celebrating their marriage
on Saturday, the sixth of June
two thousand nine*
at five o'clock in the evening
St. Patrick's Church
Ithaca, New York

Bride's and Groom's families

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stenson
and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
request the honour of your presence
to witness the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
uniting their children

Elizabeth Marie to John Smith
on Saturday, the sixth of June
two thousand nine*

at five o'clock in the evening

St. Patrick's Church

Ithaca, New York

Groom's family

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
request the honour of your presence

at the marriage of
Elizabeth Marie Stenson
to their son, John Joseph Smith
on Saturday, the sixth of June

two thousand nine*
at five o'clock in the evening

St. Patrick's Church

Ithaca, New York

Divorced Parents

Mrs. Audrey Jones
and Mr. Paul Stenson

invite you to join them

in a celebration of love

as their daughter, Elizabeth Marie

is united in marriage to

Mr. John Joseph Smith

son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
on Saturday, the sixth of June
two thousand nine*

at five o'clock in the evening

St. Patrick's Church

Ithaca, New York

By the Children of the Bride and Groom

Jean Marie
daughter of Elizabeth Marie Stenson
and Robert Smith
Son of John Joseph Smith
invite you to join them
in a celebration of love
as their parents are united
in Holy Matrimony

on Saturday, the sixth of June
two thousand nine*
at five o'clock in the evening
St. Patrick's Church
Ithaca, New York

When one parent is deceased

Elizabeth Marie
daughter of Audrey Stenson and the late Paul Stenson

and John Joseph Smith
invite you to join them

in celebrating their marriage
on Saturday, the sixth of June

two thousand nine*
at five o'clock in the evening

St. Patrick's Church

Ithaca, New York

*An important note to keep in mind, although it is commonplace to see the year 2009 written as Two Thousand And Nine, it is incorrect (this describes 2000.9); The correct wording is Two Thousand Nine (and represents a decimal)

Quotes to use for header or ending

"Share with us Our Wedding Day"

"Share in our Friendship and Love"

"One does not fall into love; one grows into love, and love grows in him." --Karl Menninger

"All love is sweet, given or returned. Common as light is love, and its familiar voice wearies not ever.'
--Percy Bysshe

"At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet."

"The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart."

"A heart that loves is always young."
--Greek Proverb

"Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts."
-- William Shakespeare

"True love is but a glimpse of heaven."

1 comment:

I Do take Two said...

Children don't "host" weddings unless they're adults and have the ability to actually invite people. So, the children inviting wording can only be used if the children of the couple are adults. Otherwise it looks silly.